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Eucharistic Celebration on the feast of Sainte-Marie Mère de Dieu January 1, 2019

Writer: filcathchaplaincybrufilcathchaplaincybru

Eucharistic Celebration on the feast of Sainte-Marie Mère de Dieu, Patroness of the Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy Brussels. Participated by the Filipino Community, Parishioners of our Unité Pastoral: Les Sarments Forestois; St. Augustine Church, St. Pius X Church, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Denis Church-our Mother Church.

The Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Carmelo Horlador, MSP, our chaplain, concelebrants: Fr. Thierry Van Poelen, Priest Responsible for Unité Pastoral Les Sarments Forestois, Fr. Anicet Ngboyo, Deacon Christian Van Robaeys


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Filipino Catholic
Chaplaincy Belgique

Chaplain Priest:

Carmelo Horlador, MSP


+32 472 54 33 93

 Rue du Melon, 37

1190 Forest, Brussels



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