The Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy Brussels celebrated the Feast of our Lady of Penafrancia. September 16, 2018 at Sainte-Marie Mère de Dieu Church, Rue du Melon Forest 1190 spearheaded by the Bicolanos in Belgium
The Mass was presided by Fr. Rex Fortes, a Bicolano priest studying at Leuven University, concelebrating with him were Fr. Vicente Sagandoy, another Filipino priest studying at the same university, and Fr. Carmelo Horlador, our priest chaplain
The procession of the image of our Lady of Penafrancia inside the church led by the Bicolano devotees.
Our eucharistic and devotees ministers joining the procession
Our Bicolano sisters from Oostende and Brugge came over to lead us in the celebration
Our Bicolano brothers and sisters carrying the image of our Lady of Penafrancia
Our Bicolano brothers and sisters carrying the image of our Lady of Penafrancia
It is Communion time
The praying of the Lord's Prayer
The praying of the Lord's Prayer
The praying of the Lord's Prayer
Children offering flowers to our Lady accompanied by their parents